Platform Enhancements November 2021
Platform Enhancements
November 2021
iAccess™ for enterprise-wide access request management
With the increased adoption of hybrid work models, together with an increased number of on-premise and cloud applications, forward-thinking organizations are looking for identity governance and administration solutions that ensure all user provisioning requests proceed according to your Segregation of Duties and Restrictive Access policies.
iAccess™ provides advanced policy-based access controls allowing organizations to control who is given access to what set of data, at what time under what policies. Policy-based access controls adapt efficiently in real-time to control and manage access dynamically across all your applications.
Revoking access based on roles or groups manually is time-consuming, error-prone, and doesn’t provide complete visibility into what users are doing. Automating the process allows organizations the flexibility and scalability to focus on what really matters. The benefits of implementing iAccess™ include:
- Provisioning all users according to policy
- Enable Policy-Based self-service user access request management
- Improve your compliance audit trail
- Reduce the risk of internal fraud
- Prevent segregation of duties risks and ongoing remediation costs as new users are on-boarded.
- Reduce help desk workload, eliminate manual steps, and improve provisioning time with integrated user request management.
- Lower the cost of compliance and audit fees by ensuring that all security privileges assigned to users have a multi-level approval audit trail of user access requests.
Enterprise-wide User Access Certification
Access Monitor™ supports Periodic User Certification which enables you to assure your management and auditors that your access controls are designed correctly and are operating effectively. It can save organizations hundreds of hours on manual reviews of access role assignments and privileges within your business-critical applications.
The latest release of Access Monitor™ allows organizations to create application certification for user-role assignments for any application integrated into SafePaaS using the enhanced DataProbeETL™ configuration options for quick and secure integration into unlimited applications allowing organizations to mitigate risk across the entire business.
You can use the latest release to detect and prevent any unauthorized user access rights and quickly correct any conflicts. A compressive report of the review and verification process is generated as evidence to support the effectiveness of your user access controls.