The Essential Guide to GRC Technology
co-authored by Risk Pro Solutions and SafePaaS.
It has been 20 years since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed into law, marking an important chapter of corporate history where financial transparency and accountability became front and center of every public company’s existence. Burdened with regulatory scrutiny, many companies were at a loss on how to demonstrate sound internal controls over financial reporting to auditors and regulatory bodies. In the last 20 years, companies have learned to juggle the art of managing risk and compliance while maintaining performance and profitability. One of the realizations that has come through this journey is that performance and risk management are not mutually exclusive, and one does not necessarily achieve one without the other. On the other hand, the risk landscape has progressively become more complex with higher standards of regulatory scrutiny.
Chapters include:
- The role of technology in GRC
- Why is continued investment in GRC necessary
- Modern Day GRC
- Considerations and solution