Successful Oracle ERP Cloud audit

Many businesses have made the decision to move to Oracle ERP Cloud, however, what many don’t realize is the huge effort and know-how needed to not only design but deploy well-designed, effective roles. There is a misconception that seeded roles have been designed with security and compliance considered. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
By not addressing the complex issue at the beginning of an ERP project, security risk is left unaddressed which can lead to control deficiencies and audit findings.
Join our thought leaders Jeff Hare, Donna Curtis from ERP Risk Advisors, and Adil Khan, SafePaaS, CEO as they discuss how to design roles to not only pass your ERP Cloud audit but propel your business by proactively addressing risk.
Which seeded roles can allow bad actors to commit fraud
How to effectively design custom roles with effective controls
Top SoD policies that mitigate risk in your Oracle ERP Cloud design
How to ensure activities of users granted privileged access have effective compensating controls
How to simulate risks and comply with access policies before assigning roles to users