Segregation of Duties Oracle ERP Cloud

A case study in Best Practice SoD Optimization
Unaddressed segregation of duties conflicts increase the risk of fraud, error, and rework and pose risks to financial statements, operational activities, and the alignment of roles and responsibilities. In recent years, auditors have increased their focus on the remediation and mitigation of segregation of duties conflicts. However, many organizations struggle with how to address remediation issues.
Remediation is crucial in addressing access control incidents where policies have determined the existence of a violation. Remediation involves multiple participants from the business, audit, and I.T. to choose the appropriate corrective action.
In this session, learn how a global household name was able to effectively address SoD remediation with SafePaaS for improved governance.
Join industry experts Matt Luscombe (CEO, Systems Risk Services) and Adil Khan (CEO, SafePaaS) in the second part of this series of sessions, as they share their Strategies to remediate segregation of duties in Oracle Cloud ERP.
Matt and Adil will discuss:
Challenges with assessing Segregation of Duties in Oracle Cloud ERP
Approach for identifying and removing false positives
Remediating Role design and user conflicts
Suggestions for influencing teams to amend their operating model
Identification, definition, documentation, and implementation of mitigating or compensating controls
Providing assurance that there are now zero unexpected conflicts