Security and controls monitoring in Oracle ERP Cloud

Live on January 20 at 12 Noon EST
(on-demand to registrants)
Happy New Year! Hope your journey to Oracle Cloud is on-time, safe, and secure! How to keep your Cloud project and maintenance work on track with effective security and application controls monitoring.
This Q&A discussion will focus on the importance of effective security and application controls monitoring in your Oracle ERP Cloud project to address and reduce business risk. SafePaaS CEO Adil Khan will be joined by guest Rick Anthony, VP at Evosys to explore how the increasing trend towards cloud landscapes often leaves security and application controls monitoring behind. Adil and Rick will share proven methodologies to make sure your organization is protected.
Demonstrating effective business controls is becoming increasingly important to many industries and organisations in the digitally, faced-paced world we live in and more so with the uncertain landscape we are living. This Q&A session will provide steps that can be taken to ensure that management of application monitoring and controls become an embedded part of an organisation’s cloud implementation or upgrade project as well as share real case studies and proven best practices to ensure your organization remains safeguarded.